Rebates and training to build 7-star homes
Rebates of $4,000 per home are now available for builders who take on the development of 7-star NatHERS rated homes.
Under the new 7 Star Homes program, builders can collaborate with Sustainability Victoria to build up-to four new homes, with the rebate available per home built. Interested parties will have to get in quick though, as there are only 80 rebates available under the scheme.
In addition to meeting the above standard, 7-star NatHERS requirement, the 7 Star Homes program is introducing a whole-of-home assessment to the program criteria.
Introducing whole-of-home
To unlock the $4,000 per home rebate, the program requires builders to consider energy efficiency beyond the home’s thermal envelope. While a highly efficient thermal envelope will produce a comfortable home for homeowners, a whole-of-home approach is a low to no cost way to reduce a home’s carbon footprint and save the homeowner money, by cutting their energy bill.
Builders will be invited to trial Sustainability Victoria’s pilot whole-of-home tool as part of the design process. The new tool works in extension to our existing FirstRate5 house energy rating software and brings into consideration the impact of appliance choice on overall energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and cost.
In addition to supporting the design process, the new tool will help builders to better communicate the benefits of an energy-efficient home to potential buyers – breaking down costs and savings by appliance choice.
6-7-star training
As part of the program, a range of training opportunities will be available to builders, tradespersons, and assessors on the design, construction and verification of 7-star homes. Different training modules will enable these audiences to up-skill in areas relevant to their work. Expressions of interest for training are now open.
Advancing Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy
The 7 Star Homes program forms part of the Victorian Government’s 1.6 billion Clean Energy package and will support Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy to cut emissions by 28% to 33% by 2025 and 45% to 50% by 2030.
To learn more about the program or to register for a rebate or training opportunity, visit 7 Star Homes Program. You can also book a 1:1 chat with a member of the team.