Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SWRRIP)

SWRRIP will be replaced by the Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan (VRIP) later this year. The VRIP is being developed by Recycling Victoria.
The Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SWRRIP) is a 30-year roadmap to improve Victoria’s waste and recycling infrastructure. The plan aims to create an integrated waste and recycling system that maximises the opportunities to:
- reprocess and use recycled materials
- reduce the need for raw materials
- send less waste to landfill.
To achieve these aims, we work closely with:
- businesses that collect, sort and reprocess waste and recycling
- local governments
- state government agencies and departments including seven regional waste and resource recovery groups.
The plan identifies the following actions:
- Guidance and programs for local government and industry to increase resource recovery and operate to best practice.
- Research and provide guidance to the sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and respond to climate change.
- Land use planning for waste and resource recovery infrastructure.
- Information on proven and emerging technologies.
Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SWRRIP) 2018
15 March 2018
Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SWRRIP) 2018: At a glance
15 March 2018
Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SWRRIP) 2018: FAQs
16 March 2018
Maps for the SWRRIP
The maps show the location of over 500 major infrastructure facilities associated with Victoria's waste and resource recovery system, based on 2012 data.
Investment facilitation
For those looking to invest in the waste and resource recovery sector, we offer a facilitation service that:
- promotes local opportunities in the sector
- informs your business case with market intelligence
- connects you with the Victorian Government and industry.
Read about our investment facilitation service.
Land use planning guidance
Land use planning is important for improving waste and resource recovery infrastructure.
We provide information for local government land use planners and those developing or changing the use of a facility. We also identify waste and resource recovery hubs to guide investment and land use.
Waste and resource recovery facility guidance
We provide best practice guidance to the waste and resource recovery sector so they can:
- build and operate facilities that increase recovery and reduce potential impacts on the environment and communities
- engage with their local communities
- manage organic waste
- understand greenhouse gas emissions and opportunities.
Guide to Biological Recovery of Organics
01 February 2018 – Understanding best practice methods that apply to the recovery and biological processing of organics.
Greenhouse gases from the waste sector and opportunities for reduction
03 September 2019 – Research and guidance for local government and industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and respond to climate change.
Resource Recovery Technology Guide
14 May 2018 – An overview of resource recovery technologies for readers who have a general understanding of resource recovery and waste processing technologies.
We offer funding opportunities to strengthen the waste and resource recovery sector.
View our current grant and funding opportunities
We’re tracking our progress. We’re currently evaluating the effectiveness of the plan which will inform the Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan.
SWRRIP Evaluation Report
September 2021
SWRRIP Progress Report: July 2016 to June 2018
02 April 2019 – The report for the second round of evaluation provides information on the period July 2016 to June 2018.
SWRRIP Progress Report: July 2015 to June 2017
09 April 2018 – The progress report provides an update on the implementation of the SWRRIP during the period of July 2015 to June 2017.
The plan identified 3 complementary strategies.
Recycling Victoria has reset our priorities over the next 10 years. We will continue to update this page as it evolves.
Read our priorities for:
Recycling Victoria
The Victorian Government has announced its circular economy policy, Recycling Victoria: a new economy.
This policy is a 10-year action plan that aims to:
- fundamentally transform our recycling sector
- reduce waste
- create thousands of jobs
- set Victoria up for a more sustainable future.
Recycling Victoria requires us to prepare a new plan that will replace the Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan. The new plan will be called the Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan (VRIP).
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We'll notify you as soon as we announce a grant or funding opportunity.
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For more information
SWRRIP Amendment Consultation Report
09 August 2017
SWRRIP Economic Assessment 2014
11 June 2015 – Economic Assessment 2014 – Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan Victoria 2015–44.
Greenhouse gases from the waste sector and opportunities for reduction
03 September 2019 – Research and guidance for local government and industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and respond to climate change.
Want to know more? Get in touch with:
Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan