Premier’s Sustainability Awards – call for sustainability success stories

Published: 2 June 2023

Sustainability Victoria is calling on organisations, community groups and individuals to showcase their sustainability success stories by entering this year’s Premier’s Sustainability Awards.

The influential awards program has been celebrating sustainability for 21 years, unearthing remarkable advancements and achievements along the way.

At last year’s awards, packaging made from mushroom mycelium and the revegetation of land in Euroa received the two Premier’s Recognition Awards, demonstrating the diversity of entries in this long-standing program.

The Premier’s Sustainability Awards features 6 categories aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) – a globally accepted, robust and comprehensive sustainability framework.  

Two awards within each of the six categories will be presented: the Community Champion Award for individuals and small organisations, and the Industry Leader Award for medium and large organisations.

In addition, the Premier will select two overall winners to be presented at the award ceremony: The Premier's Recognition Award, a stand-out submission from the 12 award winners, and The Premier's Regional Recognition Award, a stand-out regional organisation/project from all qualifying finalists. These two awards cannot be entered.  

Sustainability Victoria’s Interim CEO Matt Genever said: “Now more than ever is the time to showcase Victoria’s sustainability success stories so we can learn from each other, share this knowledge and bring about greater change collectively.

“The Premier’s Sustainability Awards provides the platform to acknowledge the tremendous work going on right across the state and I look forward to celebrating the achievements of the many organisations, community groups and individuals leading the way to a sustainable future.”

Entries for the Premier’s Sustainability Awards close on Friday 30 June 2023 at 5pm. The judging panel will include a broad range of independent environmental experts selected for their sustainability and industry expertise.

Visit Premier's Sustainability Awards for further information.