City of Greater Bendigo: 2022 Winner – Circular economy innovation

Last updated: 14 August 2023
wood planks surrounding a community garden with a green, white and black banner that says Mad Cow Community Garden City of Greater Bendigo is the Industry Leader award winner in the Premier's Sustainability Awards 2022 – Circular economy innovation category.

The Circular Greater Bendigo project is an example of what local councils can achieve if they push to transition their region to a circular economy.

Faced with just two years of remaining landfill space, the City of Greater Bendigo has started to identify, develop, and implement circular economy and resource management solutions to handle, reprocess and recirculate end-of-life material resources.

Organics recycling has seen over 19,000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill, while the Green Caffeen initiative has prevented over 20,000 coffee cups from being thrown away.

Developing circular infrastructure and supporting local circular businesses are all within the remit of local councils, and the City of Greater Bendigo demonstrates what active, sustainability-driven local government can achieve on behalf of its residents.

Circular economy innovation 2022 finalists