BYO Containers

Last updated: 2 August 2023
close up of stainless steel reusable container with a black handle Businesses can help reduce waste and single-use plastics by accepting reusable containers.

BYO Containers (BYOC) is a website that helps customers find restaurants and cafes across Australia that accept reusable containers. The website was developed to help reduce single-use packaging from ending up in landfill and waterways, poisoning food chains and threatening the lives of marine animals.​

What it means for the business

Businesses leading the way on reducing waste and single-use plastics are rewarded with free promotion to a target audience of engaged customers. The website also contains resources and free downloads to help you on your BYOC journey. ​

​What it means for the customer

Customers can search for their preferred business via the BYOC map by location or cuisine. The webpage includes other categories such as butchers, cleaning products, and businesses that offer refills for beer or wine. Customers are invited to add their favourite business that accepts clean, reusable BYO containers to the BYOC map.

The impact

There are more than 1,700 businesses listed on BYOC across each state in Australia. Some even provide a discount for customers who bring their own containers to incentivise the behaviour.​

Get involved

Learn about businesses accepting BYO Containers and when you make the shift from single-use to reuse, submit your business details at BYOC.​