Health, safety and security for visitors
Reporting an incident
Call 000 if you identify an emergency or are in danger.
Call building security on 0478 325 538 - to report a non-urgent incident that does not require a building evacuation.
When reporting an emergency:
- state the nature of the emergency (for example, a medical emergency, fire or threat)
- give the exact location of the emergency (level 12, 321 Exhibition St, Melbourne)
- stay on the phone until you are told to hang up.
Emergency procedures
In case of an emergency during staffed hours, the building's Emergency Response Team (ERT) and SV wardens will help you evacuate the building. You must follow instructions from the ERT and wardens when you hear a siren.
The emergency exit is located next to the lifts. Use the exits promptly and in an orderly. Do NOT use the lifts.
During unstaffed hours, you must exit the building in an orderly fashion when you hear an evacuation tone.
If you are unable to evacuate during unstaffed hours, contact building security using the red WIP phones. These are located through the doors from the lifts on the non-reception side.
Emergency assembly area
The emergency assembly area is at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons on the corner of Victoria and Nicholson Streets.
Assemble in the near gardens on the Victoria Street side. This area is marked on the map below

First aid
First aid kits are available at several locations on both SV floors. Your closest first aid kit and defibrillator are located:
- in the level 12 communal kitchen
- under the stairs at the opposite end of the building.
If you or anyone requires first aid treatment, either:
- refer to your organisations first aid officer
- contact building security on 0478 325 538
- call emergency services on 000
- call Nurse-on-Call on 1300 60 60 24.
Sustainability Victoria has firm security standards.
- Wear your visitor or SV Hub lanyard at all times while on site.
- Do not allow people you do not know to follow you into secure areas.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building or within 4 meters of the perimeter of the building.
Sustainability Victoria and building management reserve the right to ask anyone who appears under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or demonstrating unruly behaviour, to exit the building.
Visitor passes must be returned to the SV Hub team before 5:00 pm each day.
Please help us live by our sustainability principles:
- Use designated bins to reduce our landfill waste.
- Switch off lights in meeting rooms.
- Think before you print.
Hazard and incident management
Report hazards, risks, incidents, near misses and any occupational health and safety concerns to the Sustainability Victoria team immediately.
Duty of care
Well being, health and safety are an integral part of business within Sustainability Victoria and the responsibility of everyone who uses our spaces.
We recognise that the commitment of everyone is essential in establishing and maintaining positive, healthy, inclusive and safe working environments and procedures.
Contact us
Please get in touch if you have any additional health and safety queries.