ResourceSmart Schools Online user guides
These guides will help you learn how to complete the tasks you need to do and familiarise you with the ResourceSmart Schools Online (RSS Online) system.
These user guides refer to where the RSS Online menus appear on a desktop or laptop computer screen. The location of menus will differ for mobile and tablet screens.

Account management
User registrations and school access requests require Sustainability Victoria's approval and will be processed each business day.
Step 1: Create a new user at ResourceSmart Schools Online. Select 'Sign up now'. This is for creating an account for RSS Online only.
Step 2: Complete registration details including school email address, preferred password, given name and surname. Select send verification code to receive an email to complete user account creation.
Step 3: In the nominated email account, find and enter the verification code to complete user account creation.
Step 4: Enter the code and select 'Verify code'. Select 'Create' when all details are correct, the code is accepted and the account is ready to be verified. Users will be logged into ResourceSmart Schools Online and will be able to request access to their school.
Step 5: Select 'Request access to my school'. Type in the school name and select 'Enter' to search for the school. If the school is not found, enter the details of the school and select 'Register school'.
Users must first follow the steps to register to access the new RSS Online.
Step 1: Go to ResourceSmart Schools Online.
Step 2: Enter your user name and password.
Step 3: Select the 'Sign in' button and enter the site.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select ‘My Account’.
Step 2: In the middle of your screen, select 'Reset password'.
Step 3: Enter your email address and select ‘Send verification code’.
Step 4: Go to your email to collect your code and go back to the ‘User details’ page.
Step 5: Enter the code on the ‘User details’ page and select ‘Verify code’.
Step 6: Select ‘Continue’. Enter a new password and then select ‘Continue’. This should reset your password. If you run into any difficulties please contact your facilitator
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'School Settings'.
Step 2: From the 3 choices that appear, select 'Users'.
Step 3: Select the 'Invite new user' tab. 'Send an invite' will appear with required fields.
Step 4: Complete all of the 'Send an invite' fields. Under Role, select the down arrow and choose Lead, Staff, Volunteer or Student to allocate the user to the designated role. Select the 'Save' button at the bottom. You may need to scroll down.
Step 5: Inform the user that you have issued an invitation and ask them to check their Junk email folder if it does not appear in their Inbox.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'School Settings'.
Step 2: From the 3 choices that appear, select 'Users'.
Step 3: Select the user you would like to change the role of. Please note: you may need to scroll past Lead to view Staff, Student, Principal and Volunteer, as each role is a drop down tab.
Step 4: An edit bar will now appear on the right hand side. Go to 'Role' and select the new role you would like to allocate, then select 'Save'. The user will now appear under the drop down tab of the new role you have selected in school users.
This guide is for a user with multiple campuses or who works in multiple schools.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'My schools'.
Step 2: In the middle of your screen, select 'Add my school'.
Step 3: Search for the name of your school and submit a request to join.
Step 4: If the system cannot find your school, select ‘Register a new school’.
Step 5: Complete the form and select the green ‘Register School’ button. The request will be reviewed and you will be sent an email when it is approved or if we have any questions.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'School Settings'.
Step 2: In the middle of your screen, select the 'School logo' link.
Step 3: A right hand box will appear. Select 'Add a new document by clicking or dropping here'.
Step 4: Select your document containing your logo and select 'Open' or drag your logo file into the box from your computer.
Step 5: Select the 'Save' button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'School Settings'.
Step 2: In the middle of your screen, select 'Annual school data'.
Step 3: Select the edit icon in the top right corner.
Step 4: Input data and select the 'Save' button at the bottom.
Bills and billing accounts
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, In the site menu select 'Bills'.
Step 2: In the site menu under 'Bills' select 'Billing accounts'.
Step 3: In the top right of your screen, select 'Add new account'
Step 4: Enter account information and select the 'Save' button at the bottom.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'Bills'.
Step 2: In the middle of your screen, select 'Add bill'.
Step 3: Select the biller from the drop down menu.
Step 4: Enter data and be sure to scroll down to all fields.
Step 5: Select the 'Save' button at the bottom.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'School Settings'.
Step 2: From the 3 choices that appear, select 'Reports'.
Step 3: In the middle of your screen, select the Year type and Year you want data from, then select 'Print the Annual Report'.
Step 4: In the pop up print box, select the destination as 'Save as PDF', then select the blue 'Save' at the bottom.
Step 5: In the 'Save As' dialog box, type a file name, select the location, then select 'Save'.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'School Settings'.
Step 2: From the 3 choices that appear, select 'Reports'.
Step 3: Annual report should appear in the middle of your screen. Scroll down to view Benchmark report, Resource usage and Cost savings.
Step 4: From drop down menus on the right-hand side of your screen, select the period - either Financial year or Calendar year.
Step 5: Print the report or save to PDF, if required.
Modules and actions
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'Modules and actions'.
Step 2: In the middle of your screen, select which one of the 5 modules you wish to begin by selecting 'Continue module' in the top right corner of the module.
Step 3: Note that under the progress bar there is an Actions tab and Final Comments tab. You are viewing the Actions tab. Select the category of actions you wish to complete, such as 'B: Learning and Teaching'.
Step 4: The list of actions in that category will appear. Compulsory actions are noted with a grey box under the action. All incomplete actions are noted by a purple ‘In progress’ button. Select anywhere on the action to get further information. Enter a comment and/or upload supporting material to show you have completed the action.
Step 5: For every action you complete, read the information provided to help ensure the action is completed correctly and the suggested supporting material is submitted. Refer to Quick Guide to Completing Actions (docx, 194kB).
Step 6: When actions are completed, this will be recognised by the purple ‘In progress’ button changing to a blue ‘Complete’ button. You are still able to add comments and documents to the actions that are marked as completed until the module is submitted for certification.
Step 7: The module web page will now show your percent progress via a green bar, such as 15% of energy actions have been completed.
Step 8: Your progress is also reflected on the Modules and actions web page.
Step 9: Your progress is reflected on your Dashboard too, with the light globe changing from no colour to yellow.
Step 1: Select the module you are working on by either selecting Modules and actions in the site menu on the left-hand side, or by selecting the relevant icon on the module progress circle in the middle of your screen.
Step 2: Open the relevant section to find the action you wish to complete.
Step 3: Read the information to help you understand what is required to complete the action.
Step 4: Take note of the instructions –'Comment required' or ‘Document required'.
Step 5: Enter your comment by selecting the ‘Add comment’ button. Write the comment and select the green 'Save' button. Refer to the Quick Guide to Completing Actions (docx, 194kB) to support you in writing high quality comments.
Step 6: To upload documents (either required or optional), select the button which will open a dialogue box. Add the document name and description, then upload your document by selecting 'Add a new document' or drag your file into the box from your computer.. Select the 'Save' button.
Step 7: To mark the action as complete, press the black ‘Complete’ button. Scroll up to check the blue ‘Complete’ button now shows next to the action.
Various module actions indicate there is a template or some other type of support document to assist schools to complete an action.
Step 1: To find a template or other supporting documents, go to ResourceSmart Schools modules.
Step 2: Scroll down and select the module that aligns with the action you are completing.
Step 3: Scroll down to the Resources section and select the required resource.
Step 1: In the site menu on the left-hand side, select 'Modules and actions'.
Step 2: In the middle of your screen, select the module that you would like to submit by selecting 'continue module'.
Step 3: Make sure all compulsory actions and the number of additional actions have been completed with appropriate comments and documentation.
Step 4: Select the 'Final comments' tab and make sure your final comments are completed.
Step 5: Select the 'Submit for review' button.
Release notes
Refer to these documents for the latest updates to RSS Online.
Contact us
If you cannot find the assistance you need in one of the user guides, please email us.