Design considerations for waste and recycling in commercial and industrial facilities

Last updated: 27 September 2023

Designing a new commercial or industrial facility, or changing the use of an existing facility, needs to meet land-use planning requirements for waste and recycling. It’s required for your planning application to be approved.

Consider the waste and recycling requirements before building the facility to:

  • support your planning application
  • make spaces safe and appropriate for future occupants
  • increase its commercial value
  • contribute to your sustainability performance.

The key to designing a new development efficiently is to consider:

  • the possible needs of future occupants
  • space required for all waste streams
  • potential issues at collection points.

Use a circular economy approach

Read up on the Victorian Government’s circular economy policy, Recycling Victoria: a new economy.

As a developer, it’s your responsibility to set up your building so businesses can effectively handle their waste and recycling. By designing and planning developments for a circular economy, you’re giving occupants the chance to adopt a sustainable approach to operating their business.

Provide enough space for future occupants to manage all types of waste streams. Waste storage and collection areas should be designed to function efficiently. You should consider collection needs and any issues that may arise.

Design considerations for waste and recycling

Health and safety

The process of collection, disposal or recycling of materials should be designed to prevent injury or harm to building occupants and visitors.

View WorkSafe’s guide to health and safety for waste and recycling.

Consider risks

Reduce any potential traffic and amenity impacts, such as noise and odours.

View our guide to requirements for a waste management plan.

Storage capacity

Based on how much waste the site produces, storage areas need capacity to hold a certain amount of waste and recycling. Building occupants may change over time, so design your facility to accommodate multiple business types.

Requirements for a waste management plan

You should develop a waste management plan to submit to council with your planning application.

Read our guide to requirements for a waste management plan.