Energy efficiency in dairy farming

Last updated: 30 January 2024

This set of videos, produced by WestVic Dairy, was partly funded by Sustainability Victoria.

The videos provide tips and advice for dairy farmers on how to reduce their energy. The main focus is on improvements that are relatively low cost, have short payback periods and can be implemented in most dairies.

Simple ways to save energy

Stuck for ideas about reducing your electricity usage on your dairy farm? This short video will give you some low-cost and no-cost ways to do this.

From LED light globes to loadshifting – take a few minutes to check out these tips.

Water heating

Hot water in the dairy is as vital as the dairy cows. For hygiene and washing it is essential to have the water heated to the ideal temperature.

How can you do this cost effectively? Learn how, with the information in this short video. Includes heat pump solutions and solar hot water ideas.

Milk cooling

Cold milk doesn’t come that way from the dairy cows we know, but is your cooling equipment running as it should?

This short video will provide you with the tips and resources to have your cooling equipment performing efficiently, as well as other machinery you may not be aware is available.

Energy Use on Australian Dairy Farms

Energy efficiency is not all about saving electricity. Help your farm team and family understand energy consumption, e.g. milk cooling and milk harvesting.

You’ll be delighted how much you can save with little effort.

Milk harvesting

Milk from cows is what the dairy business is all about.

Have you considered what effect milking times and time of day has on your energy usage?

There are several ways to reduce the energy costs associated with milking.

More information

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